Cauliflower souffle, a spongy and quick recipe

A quick and easy recipe are the souffles, which are prepared from egg whites and mixed with bechamel and egg yolks.

The word «souffle» comes from the French verb soufler which means «blowing» or «inflate». The technique of preparation is always similar, though they may be savory or sweet. It is baked in the oven and are served in the same container. There are special pans for souffle called ramekin.

To prepare the soufflé will need:

300 grams of cauliflower
200 milligrams of whole milk
100 grams of grated cheese at room temperature
30 grams of flour
1 teaspoon nutmeg
3 eggs
Olive oil
Salt and pepper


First cauliflower is cooked, pureeing and set aside.
Beat the yolks and put them until stiff
To make the bechamel: Take a bowl and put a little oil, gradually add the flour and milk, without stopping to not make lumps. Add salt, pepper and walnut mocada.
Mix the mashed cauliflower with bechamel and simmer a few minutes. Remove from heat and carefully add the yolks, cheese. Reserve some cheese for the molds.
This mix them together with the egg whites and make outflanking. Place in greased molds and sprinkled with grated cheese.
Put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve when removed from the oven before it cools and and lower the spongy.

In the following video more clearly it shows how you can prepare a cauliflower souffle, which turns out to be easy and delicious.

(Source:,; Video: Youtube-dominotucuman)

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