Stuffed Caigua, traditional Peruvian dish easy to prepare

A very nutritious and easy to prepare traditional Peruvian dish is the stuffed caigua, how its name is based caigua, a vegetable of Peruvian origin also rich in fiber, low in calories, very good for lowering cholesterol and lowering of weight.

Thus, as part of a healthy diet, it is used in salads. And its maximum nutrition after simple preparation is achieved.

In ancient times, it was domesticated by pre-Hispanic societies of the Andes and may be represented in the ceramics of the Mochica culture in the year 200 AD. The stuffed Caigua was named as meatball of caigua, because no mention of this in a classic recipe from the late nineteenth century, according to Sergio Zapata Acha.

Meanwhile, in the Dictionary of peruanismos (1884), Juan de Arona, talks about the caigua as a coolant fleshy shell as Spanish pepper, to be filled or stuffed with minced meat.

And from the twentieth century, this dish has established itself as a popular dish, with variations in stuffed and ingredients. Currently, the caigua is very popular in Peru and Bolivia, and other areas of South America and Central America.

How prepare Stuffed Caigua:


6 large caiguas
½ kilo of ground beef
2 slices of bread
1 medium red onion
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 medium peeled tomatoes into squares
3 tablespoons minced yellow ají
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
2 boiled eggs, chopped
1 cup beef bouillon cube
2 black olives cut into strips
100 grams of raisins
Salt and pepper to taste


Remove with a knife the covers of the caiguas, clean the inside, remove the seeds and veins. In a pot with hot water, place the caiguas and soak for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, the bread should be soaked with a little broth or water, then crumble.

Brown the onion in a pan with hot oil, add the crushed garlic, the yellow pepper and cook for a few minutes.

Add the chopped tomatoes, ground beef, raisins, olives, bread soaked and let fry over medium heat until the meat is cooked. Add the chopped egg, salt and pepper. Reserve a little padding.

Fill the caiguas, place them carefully in a pot previously has put the reserved broth and stuffing. Cook for about 15 minutes.

Once caiguas ready, that is soft, you serve with white rice.

If it had not filler for cooking, can be prepared in a pot a dressing with onion, garlic, diced tomatoes.

It is recommended to get fresh caiguas and not frozen, because the flavor is delicious. And if you have room for a garden or a pot, do not throw the seeds and sow them. Its cultivation is easy, it does not require much care, only to have good soil, water, good light and fertilizer.

Stuffed Caiguas in the video below, a delicious dish prepared by Ms. Zoila with its flavor and how to prepare invited and spreads put to work in the culinary theme.

(Source video: Youtube-zoylaM)

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