Travel to Machu Picchu and Huascaran and avoid altitude sickness

A problem that often occurs in the majority of travelers arriving in highlands of Peru, is the «altitude sickness», which should not be overlooked as it could have consequences for health.

And the reason is that the air becomes scarce the higher you go, the people experience dizziness, headaches, tiredness or fatigue, until the organism adapts over time to lower oxygen levels the blood.

It is very important to know that this must be addressed as it could reach a potentially fatal brain inflammation. If a person ascends too quickly, you may experience an inflammation of the lungs that also lead to death.

Today researchers are still trying to solve some mysteries of health problems related to altitude, one of them apparently are genetic factors.

People over 50 are at a slightly lower risk, because the brain shrinks slightly as it ages. And although the risk is equal in men and women, the symptoms may be more severe in men.

One of the higher points of our country is in the department of Ancash, where we find the Huascaran with more than 6000 meters above sea level, and for those wishing to undertake the adventure of climbing this imposing massif, you must first take preventive counseling in order to gradually adjust to these elevations and can take three to five days.

The Inca citadel Machu Picchu, at 2490 meters, is another place that millions of tourists visit and for those unaccustomed, feel some symptoms of «altitude sickness». You must stop the ascent if you have symptoms, place the head on a lower elevation, avoid alcohol and physical exercise for the first 48 hours. Some doctors prescribe to prevent altitude sickness, but can have side effects such as dizziness and dry mouth.


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