The Inn of The Tumpis, a beachfront hotel in Tumbes

A very quaint hotel with 5 kilometers of white sand, next to Zorritos and near Tumbes, is The Inn of The Tumpis, where visitors will find everything you need to enjoy a vacation paradise.

The owners of this place is a couple that began many years ago to realize the dream of living off the peace and tranquility of the beaches of northern Peru. Sandra is in charge of personnel administration, desserts and customer service, while Paul is in charge of management accounting, supplies and everything related to the kitchen.

This couple gladly welcome visitors and hope to give personal attention, thus leaving the satisfaction of having given a good service and that tourists are satisfied and very happy to be, rather than in a hotel, in a house.

The Inn of The Tumpis in front of the beach in Tumbes

This place has rooms with pretty lighting and white decor with rustic furnishings, in addition to all the services that provide comfort during your stay.

The lodge also has an outdoor pool with hydro-jets streams, while you can enjoy a panoramic ocean view.

The Tumpis guests can taste the gourmet cuisine, daily American breakfast with fruit salad, pastries and juices. You’ll also enjoy activities around the Inn, which includes safaris in the Puerto Pizarro Mangroves, relaxation in the thermal baths in Hervideros mud and tour the nature trails of the Cerros de Amotape National Park.

How to get:

The Inn of The Tumpis is located 13 km from the city of Zorritos, 30 minutes drive from Tumbes.

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A series of pictures about The Inn of The Tumpis is shown in the video below, it is obvious the comfort that visitors can enjoy during their stay by the sea.


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