Toro Muerto would be the richest area of Rock Art in the World

Mythological figures are the attraction recognized by the residents of the city of Arequipa. This is the Petroglyphs of Toro Muerto, located in the valley of Majes, in the district of Uraca and would become a sort of open book silenced over time.

Here you can see figures with images of animals, plants, geometric shapes, anthropomorphic beings within an area of ​​5 kilometers.

These stones in a vast desert, were formed by ancient carvers with a variety of techniques such as desastillado, grating, beaten and percussion. Its usefulness was to make known the way of life of these people, as well as population censuses, animals and food production.

Imagery of Toro Muerto

They are five thousand enormous stones of volcanic tuff, being the oldest belonging to the Huari and Chuquibamba Culture (800-1000 AD). It was given to know on August 5, 1951.

Note that in 1986, during the First World Congress held in Cuba with 3000 specialists, Toro Muerto was nominated as World Heritage, having proven to be the world’s largest by the concentration of motives and varieties repository.

Meanwhile National Institute of Culture (INC) declared to Toro Muerto as Cultural Heritage.

How to get:

Toro Muerto is situated in a area mountain-desert near the Valley of Majes, 400 and 800 meters above sea level. If

Video of Toro Muerto

In the following video you will learn more about the petroglyphs of Toro Muerto, where the author paid a visit to this place and reveals the current state.

If you leave from the Plaza de Armas in Arequipa, by car you will reach Toro Muerto in approximately 3 hours. Google Maps shows you the way. More information in,,

Did you know this place in Arequipa? Do you know any other place similar to the Petroglyphs of Toro Muerto? Do you dare to schedule it on your next trip? Comment y share it on Social Networds please. Thanks for your visit.

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