Tschudi Palace, example of ancient architecture in La Libertad

Chan Chan, la compleja ciudad prehispánica de Trujillo

As part of the tourist attractions of the district of Trujillo, in the department of La Libertad, we find Tschudi Palace, which is also known as the Joint Walled Nik An, as it would have been dedicated to the sea god Ni. It is within the set of Chan Chan built circa 1400 and possibly it is the best known of all ten palaces of this huge city of mud.

The name of this place is due to the Swiss Johan Jacob von Tschudi (1818-1889), who spent much of his life to the study of Andean customs and Quechua. It was later changed to Nik An which means «House of the Centre» for its location being in the middle of two other cities.

The Citadel has an area of ​​444 meters long by 303 meters wide, surrounded by a great wall of 10-12 meters with 4 or 5 kilometers wide at its base.

The enclosure has several sectors such as the Main Ceremonial Plaza, is square shape where was made animal sacrifices, festivals and religious ceremonies and it served as a market.

Palacio de Tschudi en Chan Chan

Also was found a broker with ornaments of birds and fish, a small altar with walls adorned with rhomboid geometric shapes and lines that represent sea waves and fishing nets.

The most important sector of this architectural ensemble are the temples or hearings, dwelling place of the priestly class and family.

There is also the central ceremonial plaza used only by residents of the palace, who performed festive-religious ceremonies related to water and food products.

The Chimus worshiped the water in relation to the moon, being the fundamental element for life. They possessed a reservoir called Wachaque, which was considered a sacred place and recreational garden, where water leaves from underground springs.

Other places that can be seen in this archaeological site is the cemetery with 43 graves; deposits with foodstuffs, weapons, tools and material for handicrafts; kitchen; a small reservoir and a room of 24 niches which would have served for conferences or kept selected seeds.

How to get:

In the following video you can see a tour of the most significant sectors of the Tschudi citadel, Chimu civilization in the citadel of Chan Chan:

(Source: peruredes.com, moleskinearquitectonico.blogspot.com, turismoi.pe; Video: Youtube- Guillermo Gonzalez)

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